Tuesday, March 23, 2010

'Ki Xiao!' (发飚)

没有高楼 没有噪音

尽情发泄 尽情咆哮

只踩油门 不看速表


过去 现在 未来 同时在跑
去除烦恼 尽情享受 活出自我 这才是王道!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Trash in my big head

There was a time I believed that there're certain things I won't do in my life.
Well, that was just my belief few years ago.
In times, I did it bit by bit, one by one.
In the end, I've almost done it all.
Still, I'm doing some of it for almost everyday.

How did I get that adventurous?
How did I take myself to this extent?
Was it because of I wanna be strong?
Was it my courage?
Or was it my 'kia su & kia si' nature? (Gotta be this!)

Normally I'm just a nerd who always doing silly shits and showing the dumb smile.
Holding back what I'm about to do, to say.
In times, I've changed, bit by bit, day by day.
I chose to say what I wanted to say.
Cos' I know it feels suck to get myself withheld with the shits!

How did I get so straight-forward?
How do I move on to this extent?
Had I offended some people by being straight-forward?
Did I feel sorry if I'd offended someone?
Wait a minute, ain't I just tell the fact??

Words that spoken, can never ever be taken back.
If you ask me have I ever felt sorry? Hmm.. Not likely..
All things said and all things done.
Look at me, I'm standing still, moving on.
Like I give a damn to those past?
No! Ain't no! Hell no! There's nothing to be regretted.
And I don't practice 'regret' in my entire fucking life for god's sake!
Well, from my p.o.v., swearing is kinda fun and 'syiok'!
Only provided using in the right time, at the right place and to the right persons!!
Isn't it?? :p

Written by,
Ryan Ng

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



一本书, 一杯摩咔, 一直不变
其实一点都不孤单 很自然..
听着歌, 抽着烟, 又这样过了好几天..

人总是会有所求, 也因欲求..不得..
我也没那么的执著.. 唯知要向前走
不管多少年 我还是得把梦想去实现


Monday, March 1, 2010

This is something that I wanted to tell to a person a week ago..

Don't blame others, when something went wrong.
You had made the choice, and you should be aware of the consequences that lying within.
You presumed that it would be fine.
But when things went wrong, you're getting sad & mad.

Do you think, it's because of you taking it for granted?
You made the choice, you took things for granted with your murky assumptions, blinding and telling yourself that it would be fine.
When things went wrong, you started feeling defeated and frustrated.
You blamed everything and everyone else that you could blame off.

But in fact, no one is neither right nor wrong.
Think deeply, to the core of the matter.
Who was the one presumed the consequences?
Who was the one didn't take the worst scenario into the account?
Who's the one always taking almost everything else for granted?!

You, the one who had made the choice, the decision.
You are the one should be blamed off when things around you went wrong.
It's your problems, not others.
Cos' the only problem you have is that you think that you're always right.
For your sake, you are so damn wrong..

Do you know you are just a fool?
Do you realize that nobody really takes care of you?
Do you know that even the closed one, couldn't even stand your awfully disgusting attitudes?
Do you know that??
Like always, I could tell, you don't!

For god's sake, this is something that I don't have to get myself involved.
For my own sake, I don't want to get myself involved too.
Yes. I'm furious. I'm kinda annoyed. I'm somehow disappointed.
But this is how a person who REALLY takes care on you will feel about!!
Still, I don't want to get myself involved in all these shits, not even a bit.