Monday, January 25, 2010

潜梦 (Diving.. in dream..)

没有助浮衣 没有潜水镜 没有氧气筒
这一刻 我才发现我正在潜在海水中
我所看到的一切是如此的清晰 透明

没有负荷 没有烦恼 只顾着寻寻觅觅不停的前进
因为只有这样 我才能解脱 轻轻松松地四处游荡

退潮 涨潮 也只不过是吸引力的作用
但那距离太遥远 它只能无奈的归让

没有负荷 没有烦恼 只顾着寻寻觅觅不停的前进
因为只有这样 我才能解脱 轻轻松松地四处游荡

也许太喜欢 也许太梦幻 当我再睁开眼
原来这一切 只不过是一场太真实的 美梦..

著 - 黄瑞铭

Sunday, January 24, 2010




望着漆黑的她,不停叹着息.. 我的未来在什么地方?

著 - 黄瑞铭

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Diving vs. Relationship

Every relationships we have been through in our life is just like we're diving. Before we jump into water, we prepare the fundamental equipments and get ourselves ready in it. We check, we prepare, we make a leap and jump into water. Splashhhhh~~

At first, we will be floating on the surface before we really get down into water. The waves may be rough, hitting us now and then. Soon enough, we confirm that we can safely get down and then, we descend slowly. When we have descended to a certain level, we start drifting around, searching and looking for the beautiful things. Well, of course we may have expected to see something beautiful before we're in it. These process is just like what would happen when we put ourselves in a relationship. We expected something would happen between each other and most of the time, we're blinded by the beautiful moments that we have. Sooner or later, there's something we didn't take into the account would follow by, the current (means the dramas as well).

The current is unpredictable as if the dramas or problems occurred when we have a relationship. It happens spontaneously, unpredictable.. We quarrel with our partner, fight each other and we get hurt, heart broken and lost if we didn't overcome it. Like the current, we would never know how strong the current is, how far it would push us to. If we wouldn't have the strength to fight and overcome it, we might end up being pushed by it to a middle of nowhere. And we're lost in the water; like we lost ourselves in a relationship. And follows by panicking, anxious and struggling.

At the second thought, we will question ourselves :
"Why must we put ourselves in this hell? We lost and there's nothing we had got.. What's that for?"
Well, if we would be able to fight and overcome the current. We'll find that there are more beautiful things ahead waiting for us. We bring the relationship to the next level and keep going on..

Among divers, we have a quote:
"A bad dive is a great dive cos' every dives is actually a new dive."
Yeah.. Eventhough the water is muddy, blurred and the visibility of the water is so bad. But still, it's considered as a new experience which not everyone else would be able to experience. Again, it's just like the dramas happened in the relationship.. We would never have the same experience again. But only is it dramatic enough to bring us down??

Remember, we're just a human being. Ground is where we belong to. In the end, we still have to ascend to the surface cos' the air is running low, we eventually need to take a break, reinstate and change a new oxygen tank and get ready to make another dive again. Having a relationship doesn't mean that the couple would have to stick together 24/7, 365 days.. Both of them need some break time, have their private moments to do whatever they feel like want to do, restore anything they needed and get together again. That's how we do before we make another dive. Basically, diving and relationship are having the same theories.. Understood it, making use of it, we could surely be able to enjoy the next level of excitement.

Diving and relationship.. There're exciting. There're always anticipating. There may get us exhausted, make us feel like wanna give up in the halfway if we are not able to fit ourselves in it. Yet, it can be harmful, in the worst case, it can be fatal.. Cos' diving is an extreme sport after all! (Aren't we always reading the news about the gf/bf suicided when their relationship blown off??)

Well, all I'm getting is just to share the common things between diving and relationship. If it's good, it would be so fantastic, and so beautiful as it seems to be. Otherwise, we just put our ass in hell again, and live in the misery, traumatize us day by day and lost...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

That one perfect thing

How fast it was..  
How many years had gone by.. Day by day, year by year.. 
How many people had entered in our life and how many people gone away.. 
How much we wish that we could live the life that we wanted to.. 
And how would it become as we would encounter a lot of unknown obstacles which already are there waiting for us? 
How would it turn out to be?  

There is a void in me, an empty place which can only be filled by one thing. 
Seeking and searching for that one perfect fit, that thing will fill that void.. 
Money, achievements, careers, materials, relationships, power, fame and dreams.. 
But these things, are so attractive they seem to be. However, it still couldn't truly fulfill the inner longing.. 

I don't know what that is, that one can fill the void. And I wonder what it is.. 
Sometimes. No.. Most of the time, I was blinded by all the things that I had seen.. 
Seeing really isn't a believing sometimes, ain't it?  
I can't keep sitting, waiting and hoping..  
Going on, move forward and I won't turn back.. 
Fill the void, by searching that one perfect thing to find my heart its home..